Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When do we start playing?

The 2023 season, like all seasons, are dependent on Mother Nature and the amount of sun and rain we get this spring. We do our best to get teams and practices started in April in order to be on the field for games in May and June.

How do I register my child ?

To register your child, please click the link on the home page for the sport you wish your child to play. You will have to create a new account and create a profile for every child associated to your account. Once this is done, you can register your child for the season.

Do I have to pay the "volunteer fees" upfront or can I just volunteer my time during the season in order to cover the cost?

Volunteer fees will be collected for every family prior to the registration being accepted and considered complete.

How do I volunteer my time for the club?

There are many ways to volunteer! You can help out your child`s team as a coach, assistant coach, manager, or safety coordinator. You can work in the canteen, help out during clean-up at the beginning of the season or help to close the park at the end of the season. You can help with the Fall Supper or even lend a hand in a tournament or provincial activity. Volunteer activities will be posted on the website (see Volunteer Slots) as they become available.

If I have a child registered in Baseball and Softball, do I have to pay 2 volunteer fees for our family?

At this time, as the different sports are not yet connected on the site, yes. Let us know if this is the case for your family and you will be reimbursed for one of the two fees.

What is Learn to Play / Timbits (LTP/Timbits) ?

LTP/Timbits is a house league style, as these players do not play against other towns. The players are introduced to baseball, learn the basics of throwing and hitting, and play games amongst their group with an emphasis on sportsmanship and self esteem. Tim Hortons sponsors this level in Manitoba and provides complimentary items for the players. Please register through Softball Manitoba on our web page. The division/category when registering will be Timbits.
A parent must be on the field with their child for this program.

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